Goodreads, good times . . . .

Are you on Goodreads? It’s an incredible book-gasmic site – allowing for reviews, comments, ratings, purchasing, discussing and anything else you can dream of that is BOOK related. Check me out and enjoy being submersed in all things reading!



The Violet Hour Review

I just caught wind of an amazing review for Ravenous Decay done by a great book blogger that goes by The Violet Hour. Check out her intensely awesome review that is posted on her blog.

Article on little ol’ me

Edmond Active Magazine, of my wonderful home town, did an article on me for the May issue. Read up!!!

Gazzette’s CFN Quote of the Week

Woo hoo! The Oklahoma Gazzette quoted me about Ravenous Decay!!


Yup, that’s my son all zombified a few Halloweens ago.

Alright, alright. So, maybe it’s time I get back to writing the second book and stop sifting through old family photos. Oh, hey! Look! There’s a bird!

Have you read the first book yet? Get your filth paws on some-a-dis.

Tough Shit

You know, it’s really tough being my own agent. No one ever said that going the indie route would be easy and I certainly was under no guise that it would be a leisurely walk in the park. But, SHIT! Who knew there was THIS much work involved? Now I’m beginning to see the benefit of an agent. If they regularly do half the work that I do to get my name and Ravenous Decay out there, then they might actually be worth something!

Um, truthishly, I would rather be writing than sending press releases. I’m so brain fried that even a zombie wouldn’t want my brain. I don’t have any burning desire to be in marketing. BUT, I will stop bitching. Hey, it’s worth the work, right? RIGHT?? Yah, yah…I know it. It truly is worth the work. Okay, back to the grind…..

In case you missed it…

Last year Tony Hanadarko of The Lost Ogle published an article about me and Ravenous Decay. It was an incredibly fun interview about me, the novel, zombies and Oklahoma. I received a lot of positive response from doing it, as well. So, in case you missed it…check it out… Shaping the Minds of America’s Youth.

Popped the Cherry

Popped my signin’ cherry today! Signed the first ever printed and purchased paperback for Ravenous Decay this afternoon!

Zombie Jokes

Okay, so I’m feeling really goobery(ie? Who the hell knows?) today and thought I would share my dorkdom with you all. Now, don’t be jealous that you aren’t as awesome as I am, I know, I know, it’s supremely hard to not be envious of my mad joke telling skills.

Alright, so in reality, I’m the world’s worst joke teller. Sure, I’m really quite funny off the cuff, if I do say so myself, when it comes to poking fun at people and making crude comments, but when it comes to the art of preplanned, well thought out jokes…I’m shit.

So, here are a few lame jokes I am capable of telling on the blog, but don’t ask me to repeat them in person!!!

What do little zombies play?
Corpses and Robbers.

What do you call a zombie in a belfry?
A dead ringer.

How many Zombies does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None, Zombies can’t fit in a light bulb and they don’t screw.
No Seriously, How many Zombies does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Why are you watching Zombies screw in a light bulb, SHOOT THEM!

What’s cuter than a zombie baby?
A zombie baby with a bunny head in its mouth. Awww.

Buh-dum-cha! That’s it for me folks!

Claire Quote of the Day

“Some people are so beautiful when they’re sincere. I usually come across as constipated.” – Claire, Ravenous Decay